Barry's Crazy Tomato

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Barry's Crazy Tomato

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$CAD 2.45$CAD 2.25
Product not available for online purchase

Multi-flora variety producing bouquets of 20 to 40 flowers, resulting in pretty pale yellow tomatoes with an oval shape and a pronounced apical tip. Excellent mild and sweet flavor. Very productive. Developed by Wild Boar Farm (Brad Gates) 75 days.

Sow indoors, 5 mm deep, 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost. Transplant. Acclimate outside gradually, before transplanting, when all risk of frost has passed.

Our seeds are reproducible. You can preserve them and share them around you. 

Heirloom and open-pollinated varieties grown naturally in the garden.

Let's take care of life, one seed at a time!